
Window.js can be built after checking out the sources and setting up the build environment.

The build involves five steps:

  1. Building ANGLE
  2. Building Skia
  3. Building v8
  4. Configuring the Window.js build
  5. Building Window.js

1 Building ANGLE


$ libraries\build_angle.bat

Linux and macOS

$ ./libraries/

2 Building Skia


$ libraries\build_skia.bat

Linux and macOS

$ ./libraries/

3 Building v8


$ libraries\build_v8.bat

Linux and macOS

$ ./libraries/

4 Configuring Window.js

Run this once to set up the build directory, out:

$ cmake -S. -B out -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G Ninja

5 Building Window.js

This is the main build command, to build Window.js and rebuild again after code modifications:

$ cmake --build out

Running Window.js

Try running some of the examples once the build is finished:

$ out/windowjs examples/breakout.js