
Only project maintainers can create new releases.

Signing the binaries is still a manual process at this time.

Creating a new release

Start with Draft a new release on the GitHub Releases page.

Enter the new tag name under Choose a tag and choose Create a new tag.

Mark it as a pre-release, so that the download links keep pointing to the previous release as the latest.

This also triggers the build workflows.

Get binaries from the build actions

Drafting a new release with trigger the build actions.

Once they’ve finished, download the build artifacts for Windows and macOS, which contain the binaries built.

Test the binaries

The build actions only succeed if the automated tests also pass.

As an additional step, verify manually that the binaries work as expected on their corresponding platforms.

Sign the Windows binary

signtool.exe sign  /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 /f C:\Path\To\JoaoDaSilva.pfx /p passwordgoeshere windowjs.exe

Verify the signature:

signtool.exe verify /pa windowjs.exe

Sign the macOS binary

TODO: this is still open as issue #31.

Attach the binaries to the release

Package the binaries in a zip file with the appropriate name and attach them to the release:

Finally, unmark the release as a pre-released and update it.

Verify the downloads

The links in downloads point to the latest version released. Verify that they get the files that were just released.