The window.canvas object is the 2D canvas that draws to the main window.
It implements the CanvasRenderingContext2D API from HTML5, and its documentation at MDN applies to the Window.js implementation as well. The Canvas tutorial gives an overview of the capabilities of the API.
The window.canvas object is always present in Window.js, and renders directly to the main window. It’s also possible to create additional CanvasRenderingContext2D instances; each instance has its own framebuffer and can be used to draw off the main screen. The contents of an off-screen canvas can be drawn to the main canvas via drawImage.
Creates a new off-screen canvas. Its contents can be drawn to the main canvas in window.canvas via drawImage.
width | number | The width of the offscreen canvas. |
height | number | The height of the offscreen canvas. |
Whether shapes drawn in this canvas should be antialiased. Defaults to true.
canvas.fillStylestring | CanvasGradient
The style to apply in the fill operations (fill, fillRect and fillText).
Valid values are CanvasGradient instances, or strings representing a CSS color in one of these formats:
rgb(r, g, b)
rgba(r, g, b, a)
- A
CSS color name
See also fillStyle at MDN.
The font to use in text operations (fillText, strokeText and measureText).
The list of fonts available in the current platform are listed in window.fonts.
Custom fonts can be loaded with window.loadFont.
Font names with spaces like “Segoe UI” must be wrapped in double quotes.
The font name can be optionally preceeded by italic
, bold
and the font
size as Npx
. These are all valid font settings:
bold 16px "Segoe UI"
See also font at MDN.
Specifies the alpha (transparency) value that is applied to shapes and images
before they are drawn onto the canvas. The defaut value is 1.0
See also globalAlpha at MDN.
Sets the type of compositing operation to apply when drawing new shapes. See the Compositing and clipping section of the Canvas tutorial at MDN for a list of valid operations and their effect.
The following values are supported in Window.js:
See also globalCompositeOperation at MDN.
The height of the canvas, in pixels.
Note: the size of the canvas is automatically adjusted when the window is resized. If the main application supports resizing then it should also listen for “resize” events and draw a full frame after each resize. Window.js will also invoke any pending requestAnimationFrame callbacks when the window is resized.
Determines whether scaled images are smoothed or not. The default is true.
Images can be drawn via the drawImage API, and the destination size in the canvas may be different from the source size in the ImageBitmap. In those cases, the image gets scaled up or down. This setting controls whether the rescaled image should look smoother (when it’s turned on), or sharper (when it’s turned off).
Disabling imageSmoothingEnabled
draws images with a more blocky, pixelated
See also imageSmoothingEnabled at MDN.
Controls the quality of the smoothing applied to scaled images when imageSmoothingEnabled is enabled.
Valid values are "low"
, "medium"
and "high"
See also imageSmoothingQuality at MDN.
The shape used to draw the end points of lines.
"butt" |
(Default value) The ends of lines are squared off at the endpoints. |
"round" |
The ends of lines are rounded. |
"square" |
The ends of lines are squared off by adding a box with an equal width and half the height of the line’s thickness. |
See also lineCap at MDN.
The line dash offset. Defaults to 0.
See also lineDashOffset at MDN.
The shape used to join two line segments where they meet.
"bevel" |
Fills an additional triangular area between the common endpoint of connected segments, and the separate outside rectangular corners of each segment. |
"round" |
Rounds off the corners of a shape by filling an additional sector of disc centered at the common endpoint of connected segments. The radius for these rounded corners is equal to the line width. |
"miter" |
(Default value) Connected segments are joined by extending their outside edges to connect at a single point, with the effect of filling an additional lozenge-shaped area. This setting is affected by the miterLimit property. |
See also lineJoin at MDN.
The thickness of lines. The default value is 1.0.
See also lineWidth at MDN.
The miter limit ratio. The default value is 10.0.
See also miterLimit at MDN.
The amount of blur applied to shadows. The default is 0 (i.e. no blur).
See also shadowBlur at MDN.
The color of shadows, as a CSS color.
The shadow’s rendered opacity is affected by the opacity of the fillStyle color when filling, and of the strokeStyle color when stroking.
Note: Shadows are only drawn if the shadowColor
property is set to a
non-transparent value. One of the shadowBlur,
shadowOffsetX or shadowOffsetY
properties must be non-zero as well.
The CSS color must be in one of these formats:
rgb(r, g, b)
rgba(r, g, b, a)
- A
CSS color name
See also shadowColor at MDN.
The distance that shadows will be offset horizontally.
See also shadowOffsetX at MDN.
The distance that shadows will be offset vertically.
See also shadowOffsetY at MDN.
The style to apply in the stroke operations (stroke, strokeRect and strokeText).
Valid values are CanvasGradient instances, or strings representing a CSS color in one of these formats:
rgb(r, g, b)
rgba(r, g, b, a)
- A
CSS color name
See also strokeStyle at MDN.
The text alignment used when drawing text. The default is "left"
: aligns text to the left."right"
: aligns text to the right."center"
: text is centered."start"
: aligns text to the left."end"
: aligns text to the right.
See also textAlign at MDN.
The text baseline used when drawing text. The default is "alphabetic"
: The text baseline is the top of the em square."hanging"
: The text baseline is the hanging baseline."middle"
: The text baseline is the middle of the em square."alphabetic"
: The text baseline is the alphabetic baseline."ideographic"
: The text baseline is the ideographic baseline. This is the bottom of the body of the characters, if the main body of characters protrudes beneath the alphabetic baseline. (Used by Chinese, Japanese, and Korean scripts)."bottom"
: The text baseline is the bottom of the bounding box. This differs from the ideographic baseline in that the ideographic baseline doesn’t consider descenders.
See also textBaseline at MDN.
The width of the canvas, in pixels.
Note: the size of the canvas is automatically adjusted when the window is resized. If the main application supports resizing then it should also listen for “resize” events and draw a full frame after each resize. Window.js will also invoke any pending requestAnimationFrame callbacks when the window is resized.
canvas.arc()(number, number, number, number, number) => void
Adds a circular arc to the current sub-path, centered at (x, y)
and with the
given radius
. The path starts at startAngle
and ends at endAngle
traveling in the clockwise direction.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the arc’s center. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the arc’s center. |
radius | number | The arc’s radius. |
startAngle | number | The arc’s starting angle, in radians, measured from the x axis. |
endAngle | number | The arc’s ending angle, in radians, measured from the x axis. |
See also arc at MDN.
canvas.arcTo()(number, number, number, number, number) => void
Adds a circular arc to the current sub-path, using the given control points and radius. The arc is connected to the path’s latest point with a straight line, if necessary.
x1 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the first control point. |
y1 | number | The vertical coordinate of the first control point. |
x2 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the second control point. |
y2 | number | The vertical coordinate of the second control point. |
radius | number | The arc’s radius. |
See also arcTo at MDN.
Starts a new path by emptying the list of sub-paths.
See also beginPath at MDN.
canvas.bezierCurveTo()(number, number, number, number, number, number) => void
Adds a cubic Bézier curve to the current sub-path. Requires three points: two control points, and a final end point. The starting point is the latest point in the current path (which can be changed using moveTo before creating the curve).
x1 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the first control point. |
y1 | number | The vertical coordinate of the first control point. |
x2 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the second control point. |
y2 | number | The vertical coordinate of the second control point. |
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the end point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the end point. |
See also bezierCurveTo at MDN.
canvas.clip()(Path2D?, string?) => void
Turns the current path or the given Path2D into the current clipping region. The previous clipping region, if any, is intersected with the current path to create the new clipping region.
path | Path2D? | An optional Path2D object, indicating the path to clip to. If this parameter is skipped then the path in the canvas itself is used. |
fillRule | string? | The algorithm to determine if a point is inside or outside of the clipping region. Can be the "nonzero" winding rule (default), or the "evenodd" winding rule. |
See also clip at MDN.
Adds a straight line from the current point to the start of the current sub-path. Does nothing if the shape has already been closed, or has only one point.
This method doesn’t draw anything to the canvas directly; the path can be rendered via the fill and stroke methods.
See also closePath at MDN.
canvas.clearRect()(number, number, number, number) => void
Erases the pixels in a rectangular area by setting them to transparent black.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the starting corner. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the starting corner. |
width | number | The width of the rectangle. Positive values are to the right, and negative to the left. |
height | number | The height of the rectangle. Positive values are down, and negative are up. |
The main window supports transparency but is initially set to opaque black. It must be cleared and filled with a transparent overlay to enable transparency:
const canvas = window.canvas;
canvas.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
canvas.fillStyle = '#000000b0';
canvas.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for an example.
See also clearRect at MDN.
canvas.createImageData()(ImageData | number, number) => ImageData
Creates a new, blank ImageData object with the specified dimensions. All of the pixels in the new object are transparent black.
This method can be called in two different ways. Parameters for the first variant:
imageData | ImageData | An existing ImageData object from which to copy the width and height. The image itself is not copied. |
The second variant:
width | number | The width for the new ImageData object. |
height | number | The height for the new ImageData object. |
See also createImageData at MDN.
canvas.createLinearGradient()(number, number, number, number) => CanvasGradient
Creates a linear CanvasGradient along the line connecting the two given coordinates.
To be applied to a shape, the gradient must first be assigned to the fillStyle or strokeStyle properties.
x1 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the start point. |
y1 | number | The vertical coordinate of the first point. |
x2 | number | The horizontal coordinate of the end point. |
y2 | number | The vertical coordinate of the end point. |
See also createLinearGradient at MDN.
canvas.createPattern()(ImageBitmap | CanvasRenderingContext2D, string) => CanvasPattern
Creates a CanvasPattern from the given ImageBitmap or from another CanvasRenderingContext2D instance.
To be applied to a shape, the pattern must first be assigned to the fillStyle or strokeStyle properties.
The second parameter specifies how the pattern repeats:
"repeat" |
Repeats the pattern in both directions. |
"repeat-x" |
Repeats the pattern horizontally. |
"repeat-y" |
Repeats the pattern vertically. |
"no-repeat" |
The pattern is not repeated. |
See also createPattern at MDN.
canvas.createRadialGradient()(number, number, number, number, number, number) => CanvasGradient
Creates a radial CanvasGradient using the size and coordinates of two circles.
To be applied to a shape, the gradient must first be assigned to the fillStyle or strokeStyle properties.
x1 | number | The horizontal coordinates of the start circle. |
y1 | number | The vertical coordinates of the start circle. |
r1 | number | The radius of the start circle. |
x2 | number | The horizontal coordinates of the end circle. |
y2 | number | The vertical coordinates of the end circle. |
r2 | number | The radius of the end circle. |
See also createRadialGradient at MDN.
Draws an ImageBitmap or an offscreen canvas onto the main canvas.
This method can be called in three different ways.
The first version draws the image in its original size at a given location. Parameters for the first version:
image | ImageBitmap | CanvasRenderingContext2D | The source image or canvas to draw. |
dx | number | The horizontal coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image. |
dy | number | The vertical coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image. |
The second version draws the image with a specific size. Parameters for the second version:
image | ImageBitmap | CanvasRenderingContext2D | The source image or canvas to draw. |
dx | number | The horizontal coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image. |
dy | number | The vertical coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image. |
dw | number | The width to draw the source image in the destination canvas. |
dh | number | The height to draw the source image in the destination canvas. |
The third version draws a sub region of the source image into a given region of the destination canvas. Parameters for the third version:
image | ImageBitmap | CanvasRenderingContext2D | The source image or canvas to draw. |
sx | number | The horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner of the sub region of the source image that will be drawn. |
sy | number | The vertical coordinate of the top-left corner of the sub region of the source image that will be drawn. |
sw | number | The width of the sub region of the source image that will be drawn. |
sh | number | The height of the sub region of the source image that will be drawn. |
dx | number | The horizontal coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image sub region. |
dy | number | The vertical coordinate in the destination canvas at which to place the top-left corner of the source image sub region. |
dw | number | The width to draw the source image in the destination canvas. |
dh | number | The height to draw the source image in the destination canvas. |
See also drawImage at MDN.
canvas.ellipse()(number, number, number, number, number, number, number) => void
Adds an elliptical arc to the current sub-path.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the center of the ellipse. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the center of the ellipse. |
rx | number | The radius of the major axis of the ellipse. |
ry | number | The radius of the minor axis of the ellipse. |
rotation | number | The rotation of the ellipse, in radians. |
startAngle | number | The angle at which the ellipse starts, in radians, measured clockwise from the positive X axis. |
endAngle | number | The angle at which the ellipse end, in radians, measured clockwise from the positive X axis. |
See also ellipse at MDN.
canvas.encode()() => Promise<ArrayBuffer>
Encodes the content of the canvas into a compressed image format and returns
it as bytes in an ArrayBuffer
format | string? | The image format to encode in. Valid values: "png" (default), "jpeg" and "webp" . |
quality | number? | The encoding quality for the "jpeg" codec. |
canvas.fill()(Path2D?, string?) => void
Fills the current path or the given Path2D with the current fillStyle.
path | Path2D? | An optional Path2D object, indicating the path to be filled. If this parameter is skipped then the path in the canvas itself is used. |
fillRule | string? | An optional string indicating the winding rule used to determine if a point is inside or outside of the filling region. Valid values are "nonzero" (default) and "evenodd" . |
See also fill at MDN.
canvas.fillRect()(number, number, number, number) => void
Draws a rectangle using the current fillStyle.
This method draws directly to the canvas without modifying the current path.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the starting point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the starting point. |
width | number | The width of the rectangle. |
height | number | The height of the rectangle. |
See also fillRect at MDN.
canvas.fillText()(string, number, number) => void
Draws a text string at the specified coordinates using the current fillStyle, font, textAlign and textBaseline properties.
text | string | The text string to draw. |
x | number | The horizontal coordinate at which to begin drawing. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate at which to begin drawing. |
See also fillText at MDN.
canvas.getImageData()(number?, number?, number?, number?) => ImageData
Returns an ImageData object containing the pixel data for a specified region of the canvas. ImageData can be painted onto a canvas using the putImageData method.
This method is not affected by the canvas’s transformation matrix.
x | number? | The horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner of the region to copy. Defaults to 0. |
y | number? | The vertical coordinate of the top-left corner of the region to copy. Defaults to 0. |
w | number? | The width of the region to copy. Defaults to the canvas’s width. |
h | number? | The height of the region to copy. Defaults to the canvas’s height. |
See also getImageData at MDN.
canvas.getLineDash()() => number[]
Returns the current line dash pattern.
See also getLineDash at MDN.
canvas.getTransform()() => number[]
Returns the transformation matrix, as an array with 6 elements:
a |
c |
e |
b |
d |
f |
0 |
0 |
1 |
See also getTransform at MDN.
canvas.isPointInPath()(number, number, string?) => boolean
Returns whether the specified point is contained in the current path.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the point to check. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the point to check. |
fillRule | string? | An optional string indicating the winding rule. Valid values are "nonzero" (default) and "evenodd" . |
See also isPointInPath at MDN.
canvas.isPointInStroke()(number, number) => boolean
Returns whether the specified point is contained in the stroking of the current path.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the point to check. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the point to check. |
See also isPointInStroke at MDN.
canvas.lineTo()(number, number) => void
Connects the last point of the current sub-path with a straight line to the given point.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the end point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the end point. |
See also lineTo at MDN.
canvas.measureText()(string) => void
Returns an object with the text metrics about the given text string.
text | string | The text string to measure. |
The object returned contains this data:
width | number | The calculated width of the given text string, using the current font and styling properties. |
actualBoundingBoxAscent | number | The distance from the text baseline to the top of the highest bounding rectangle of the given text. |
actualBoundingBoxDescent | number | The distance from the text baseline to the bottom of the lowest bounding rectangle of the given text. |
actualBoundingBoxLeft | number | The distance from the text alignment to the left of the given text. |
actualBoundingBoxRight | number | The distance from the text alignment to the right of the given text. |
See also measureText at MDN.
canvas.moveTo()(number, number) => void
Begins a new sub-path at the given point.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the point. |
See also moveTo at MDN.
canvas.putImageData()(ImageData, number, number, number?, number?, number?, number?) => void
Paints the data in the given ImageData object onto the canvas.
The last 4 parameters are optional, and indicate the rectangle region to copy;
otherwise, the entire ImageData
gets copied.
imageData | ImageData | The pixel data to copy. |
x | number | The horizontal coordinate at which to place the image data in the canvas. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate at which to place the image data in the canvas. |
sx | number? | Optional parameter indicating the horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner of the imageData to start copying from. |
sy | number? | Optional parameter indicating the vertical coordinate of the top-left corner of the imageData to start copying from. |
sw | number? | Optional parameter indicating the width of the region to copy. |
sh | number? | Optional parameter indicating the height of the region to copy. |
See also putImageData at MDN.
canvas.quadraticCurveTo()(number, number, number, number) => void
Adds a quadratic Bézier curve to the current sub-path.
The curve requires two points. The first is a control point, and the second is the end point. The starting point is the latest point in the current path, which can be changed using moveTo before creating the quadratic Bézier curve.
cx | number | The horizontal coordinate of the control point. |
cy | number | The vertical coordinate of the control point. |
ex | number | The horizontal coordinate of the end point. |
ey | number | The vertical coordinate of the end point. |
See also quadraticCurveTo at MDN.
canvas.rect()(number, number, number, number) => void
Adds a rectangle to the current path.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the rectangle’s starting point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the rectangle’s starting point. |
w | number | The width of the rectangle. |
h | number | The height of the rectangle. |
See also rect at MDN.
canvas.resetTransform()() => void
Resets the current transform to the identity matrix.
See also resetTransform at MDN.
Restores the most recently saved canvas state, from a previous call to save. If there is no saved state then this method does nothing.
See also restore at MDN.
canvas.rotate()(number) => void
Adds a rotation to the transformation matrix.
The rotation is always about the canvas origin. To change the rotation center, move the canvas using translate before performing the rotation.
angle | number | The angle to rotate, clockwise in radians. |
See also rotate at MDN.
Saves the entire state of the canvas by pushing it into a stack.
This state can be restored again later by calling restore.
The drawing state that gets saved includes:
- The transformation matrix.
- The clipping region.
- The dash list.
- The properties: strokeStyle, fillStyle, globalAlpha, lineWidth, lineCap, lineJoin, miterLimit, lineDashOffset, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, shadowBlur, shadowColor, globalCompositeOperation, font, textAlign, textBaseline, imageSmoothingEnabled.
See also save at MDN.
canvas.scale()(number, number) => void
Adds a scaling transformation to the canvas.
x | number | Horizontal scaling factor. |
y | number | Vertical scaling factor. |
See also scale at MDN.
canvas.setLineDash()(number[]) => void
Sets the line dash pattern used when stroking lines. Uses an array of values that specify alternating lengths of lines and gaps, which describe the pattern.
To return to using solid lines, set the line dash list to an empty array.
pattern | number[] | An Array of numbers that specify distances to alternately draw a line and a gap. If the number of elements in the array is odd, the elements of the array get copied and concatenated. For example, [5, 15, 25] will become [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25]. If the array is empty, the line dash list is cleared and line strokes return to being solid. |
See also setLineDash at MDN.
canvas.setTransform()(number[]) => void
Sets the current transformation matrix.
The matrix is specified with 6 values that can be passed in a single array or as 6 separate parameters. They represent this transformation matrix:
a |
c |
e |
b |
d |
f |
0 |
0 |
1 |
See also setTransform at MDN.
canvas.stroke()(Path2D?) => void
Strokes the outline of the current path or of the given Path2D, using the current strokeStyle.
Strokes are aligned to the center of a path: half of the stroke is drawn on the inner side, and half on the outer side. The stroke is drawn using the non-zero winding rule.
path | Path2D? | An optional Path2D object, indicating the path to be stroked. If this parameter is skipped then the path in the canvas itself is used. |
See also stroke at MDN.
canvas.strokeRect()(number, number, number, number) => void
Draws a rectangle that is stroked using the current strokeStyle.
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the rectangle’s starting point. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the rectangle’s starting point. |
w | number | The width of the rectangle. |
h | number | The height of the rectangle. |
See also strokeRect at MDN.
canvas.strokeText()(string, number, number) => void
Strokes the outlines the characters of the given text string, at the specified coordinates.
text | string | The text to stroke. |
x | number | The horizontal coordinate of the point at which to draw the text. |
y | number | The vertical coordinate of the point at which to draw the text. |
See also strokeText at MDN.
canvas.transform()(number, number, number, number, number, number) => void
Multiples the current transformation matrix by the matrix described by the parameters:
a |
c |
e |
b |
d |
f |
0 |
0 |
1 |
See also transform at MDN.
canvas.translate()(number, number) => void
Adds a translation transformation to the current matrix.
x | number | The distance to move in the horizontal direction. |
y | number | The distance to move in the vertical direction. |
See also translate at MDN.