
Window.js exposes its APIs via the global object, globalThis.


The ratio between the current DPI and the platform’s default DPI.

On the web, this is the scale between physical pixels and CSS pixels. It is 1:1 on lower resolution monitors, and might be 1.5, 2, 3 and other values on higher DPI (“Retina”) displays.

In Window.js, this is the scaling factor set by the platform. Text and UI elements should be scaled by this factor to have a reasonable size on any display and platform, regardless of their physical DPI.


Utilities to measure elapsed times and the Javascript VM memory usage. See the performance API.


The main window.


__dirname is the path to the directory of the currently executing module.


__filename is the path of the currently executing module.

cancelAnimationFrame()(number) => void

Cancels an animation frame callback that has been previously scheduled by requestAnimationFrame.

Invalid numbers and numbers assigned to animation callbacks that have already executed are ignored.

clearTimeout()(number) => void

Cancels a timeout callbacks that has been previously scheduled by setTimeout.

Invalid numbers and numbers assigned to callbacks that have already executed are ignored.

requestAnimationFrame()(Function) => number

Requests a callback to draw a frame, before the next frame is swapped to the main window framebuffer.

All callbacks registered via requestAnimationFrame will be executed before the next frame is swapped. To draw continuously, request a new frame from inside a frame callback:

function draw() {
  // Draw continuously:

  const canvas = window.canvas;
  canvas.fillStyle = 'red';
  const width = canvas.width;
  const height = canvas.height;
  const range = width - 300;
  const offset = Math.cos(3 * now / 1000) * (range / 2);
  canvas.fillRect(width / 2 + offset - 50, height / 2 - 50, 100, 100);


The callback is passed the current time, as returned by, as its single argument.

Continuous drawing tries to draw at every vsync. Set window.vsync to false to draw as fast as possible, without waiting for vsync.

setTimeout()(Function, number) => number

Registers a callback function to be executed after the given number of milliseconds. Returns a handle that can be passed to clearTimeout to cancels that registration.