
The File API gives access to the local filesystem.

Most of the File methods return Promises that resolve with the data requested, or throw on I/O failures.


The current working directory.


The user home directory.


The preferred path separator for the current platform. This is usually the forward slash character /, but is a backslash \ on Windows.


The system directory for temporary files.

File.basename()(string) => string

Returns the name of the file at the end of the given string path.

File.copy()(string, string) => Promise<void>

Copies a file from the path in the first parameter to the path in the second parameter. See copyTree for a similar method that can copy entire directories, recursively.

File.copyTree()(string, string) => Promise<void>

Copies the file or directory in the first parameter to the path in the second parameter. This method will copy directories and their contents recursively.

File.dirname()(string) => string

Returns the path to the directory that contains the file path given in the first parameter.

File.isDir()(string) => Promise<boolean>

Returns true if the given path is a directory. Returns false if the path doesn’t exist or isn’t accessible to the current process.

File.isFile()(string) => Promise<boolean>

Returns true if the given path is a file. Returns false if the path doesn’t exist or isn’t accessible to the current process.

File.list()(string) => Promise<string[]>

Returns a list of all the files in the given directory. See listTree for a similar method that also returns the contents of subdirectories.

File.listTree()(string) => Promise<string[]>

Returns a list of all the files in the given directory, recursively.

File.mkdirs()(string) => Promise<void>

Creates all the missing directories in the given path.

File.readArrayBuffer()(string) => Promise<ArrayBuffer>

Returns the contents of the given file as an ArrayBuffer.

File.readImageBitmap()(string) => Promise<ImageBitmap>

Returns the contents of the given file as an ImageBitmap.

File.readImageData()(string) => Promise<ImageData>

Returns the contents of the given file as an ImageData.

File.readJSON()(string) => Promise<Json>

Returns the contents of the given file as a JSON object.

File.readText()(string) => Promise<sTring>

Returns the contents of the given file as a string.

File.remove()(string) => Promise<void>

Removes the given file. See removeTree for a similar method that can remove a directory and all of its contents, recursively.

File.removeTree()(string) => Promise<void>

Removes the given file or directory, and all of its contents, recursively.

File.rename()(string, string) => Promise<void>

Renames the file at the path in the first parameter to the path in the second parameter.

File.size()(string) => Promise<number>

Returns the size, in bytes, of the file at the given path.

File.write()(string, string | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray) => Promise<void>

Writes the contents of the object in the second parameter to the file path in the first parameter.

Valid object types for the second parameter:

ArrayBuffer Writes all of the bytes in the buffer.
TypedArray Writes all of the bytes in the array.
string Writes the string encoded in UTF-8.